Fitness Together Lake Forest
1 Client. 1 Trainer. 1 Goal.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Improve Your Technique

Breathing fully and deeply is important in helping you reach your fitness goals. It will have an effect on your workout and how you feel during exercise. If you aren’t focusing on proper breathing technique, exercise may seem more difficult than it needs to. And you may not be taking in enough air to help ignite the burning of fat. Here are some commonly asked questions about how to breathe during exercise:

1. During the “effort”/exertion phase, what’s better: breathing in or breathing out?
Most professionals will tell you to breathe out on the effort phase of an exercise. That means if you’re doing an abdominal crunch, you would breathe out when lifting the trunk. However, this isn’t an absolute must. If you feel more comfortable breathing out during the effort, go for it. The most important thing is that you breathe.

2. What will happen if I don’t breathe enough?
You could find yourself with side stitches. The more rigorous the activity, the more you should breathe and in a steady pattern. Get into a regular rhythm and keep the pace constant. It will help you supply your body with the right amount of oxygen and give you something to focus on. And, your brain will function better too.

3. Is it possible to breath too much or too often?
Well, you could hyperventilate…but it’s pretty unlikely during exercise. When walking or running, get into a steady pattern of breathing out on every fourth step (or any number that feels comfortable for you). For each activity you do, there will be a pattern that feels right. Find that pattern and stick to it.

4. Should I hold my breath during weight work?
No. Holding your breath while bearing down can push blood pressure up significantly. You can also reduce blood flow to your brain and increase pressure in your chest – both of which could be dangerous while exercising.

Pay attention to your body: be aware of your breathing during exercise
The best advice is to become aware of your breathing during your exercise sessions. Think about pushing air out forcefully more than on sucking it in. Breathe in through the nose but realize that when you start working harder you may not be able to bring in enough air that way. If needed, breathe through your mouth. The more serious you are about working out, the more important proper breathing is. Deep breathing can result in a 1-2% competitive edge increase among athletes. That may just mean the difference between winning and losing. So, get into a rhythm, stick to it each time you exercise and you’ll enjoy your workouts more.

By Michele Silence. Sept 2006.
Edited for content by FT Lake Forest Staff.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Weight Loss Myths Exposed!

Check out this Runner's World article that talks about 14 weight-loss strategies that just don't work. And learn the best plans for the most success!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Curb Your Cravings...

Follow this link to an article on to learn easy and unique ways to tackle those unhealthy food cravings.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Why Stress Can Breed Bad Habits

When anxious or under pressure, most of us find making conscious choices more difficult -- and the way the brain is wired might be to blame. Researchers at the University of Minho in Portugal recently discovered that stress can activate regions of the brain associated with habitual behavior.

The 2009 study examined chronically stressed rats and found that the segments of the rats' brains linked with decision making shrunk, while regions associated with habit formation thrived. As a result, the rats fell into routines with submissive responses, like compulsively pressing a bar for food even if thay had no intention of eating.

Now although the study is done in rats, this brain connection helps explain why we tend to dig ourselves into ruts when stressed out: The brain seeks solace in repetition, which makes it harder to shift back to intentional behavior -- even if those intentional activities, such as preparing wholesome meals and exercising, are better for our well-being.

The good news is that rats recovered withing four weeks after the stressors were removed, suggesting that stress induced changes in behavior and in the brain may be reversible. You can learn techniques for interrupting stress cycles from the authors at "Experience Life" with the articles 'Three Deep Breaths' (October 2006) and 'Lines of Inquiry' (Decmeber 2004) at

By Pilar Gerasimo. "Experience Life" Magazine.

Edited for Content by FT Lake Forest Staff