Fitness Together Lake Forest
1 Client. 1 Trainer. 1 Goal.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Jack LaLanne

Today we lost a fitness icon. He was the pioneer of fitness and motivated many people to include fitness in their lives. Just reading some of his quotes inspire people to get off of the couch and be active. He lived an active life until he died yesterday at the age of 96. Please take some time to read the article that was posted on yahoo news. It is inspiring to read how he change peoples lives. Below I have listed a quote from LaLanne to get you started.

"The only way you can hurt the body is not use it," LaLanne said. "Inactivity is the killer and, remember, it's never too late."

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Stay Motivated and Achieve Your Goals

Everyone has noticed that it is New Years resolution time. People are excited to make changes in their lives and this is the year that they will stick with it. People work hard on their diet and work outs but all of a sudden something happens... They quit!

When you ask them what is happening with their goals they seem to always have an answer or many different answers. While some times life does get in the way, there are many times that this is just another excuse to not continue on a path to achieve thier goals.

Now there can be many reason that people can lose motivation, but with motivational quotes, support system and reassuring yourself that this is something that you can and will do you can keep going. Try to stay motivated and not be a person that quits on your goals. Below we have listed a few quotes that can help you through those tough times.

1. "When thoughts become action, success is attainable."
2. "One has to remember that every failure can be a stepping stone to something better."
3. "Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can."
4. "Rule your mind or it will rule you."

Friday, January 7, 2011

Shake Up Your Cardio

Cardio is a very important part of your overall fitness. Many times people tell us that they can't find cardio that they enjoy. They tell us that being on a treadmill for 30 to 45 minutes is boring. People tend to forget that there options to be able to give your heart a workout.

One option that people tend to enjoy is Cardio Kickboxing. Boxing is a great workout that really can incorporate your whole body. At Fitness Together in Lake Forest we have many clients that love to schedule a boxing session. This can be a fun way to get your heart rate flying. Below we have listed a article for people to read about kickboxing. As always talk with your trainer and ask them for ideas on how to boost your cardio training.