Fitness Together Lake Forest
1 Client. 1 Trainer. 1 Goal.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Childhood Obesity

September has been declared Childhood Obesity Awareness Month and this is a very important topic with growing concern that needs more recognition. Many kids refuse to eat healthy or they just wanted McDonalds. If we told you that in the last 40 years childhood obesity has grown by 4 times and now almost 19% of children are obese, would it change opinions on how important nutrition and exercise is for children. There are so many complications that come from being overweight and obese. There are liver problems, sleep apnea or asthma. Type 2 diabetes is a huge concern. 45% of new cases diagnosed in children are type 2 diabetes according to There are more complication that can come from diabetes if diagnosed.

Nutrition and activity are the only way to correct the epidemic of childhood obesity. Kids need to get outside and play and need healthy role models. Take your family on after dinner walks, bike rides or hikes. Try to find activities that increase exercise and your families "quality time" together.

Children need to know the importance of nutrition. The concern is that 2/3 of America's population is considered obese and 70% of children that are obese will continue to obese into adulthood. The healthy lifestyle has to be implemented at a young age or we will continue to get more obese as an American society. Children are impressionable and if they are healthy from a young age then they will continue the lifestyle into their adulthood.

Fitness Together is here to help educate children and families on healthy living to try and prevent or reverse the obesity trends that are occuring throughout the country. If you would like us to speak with your son, daughter or friend, we'd be more than happy to help them.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

You Can Still Start a New Challenge

This week we continue our blog with motivational stories to help inspire you along your fitness journey. People are never too old to set new goals and achieve things that they never imagined they could do. We have many clients that never thought they could lift weights, run a 5k or do a marathon. With hard work every client achieves their goals. Read this story below that documents a 103 mile swim that a 60 year old woman achieved.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

All You Need is Inspiration

Fitness is something that most of us tend to put to the side. We convince ourselves that we have no time, or are just unmotivated. We tell ourselves or others tell us that we can't do a push up, pull up, 5k or even Marathon. The word can't, above all else should be the ultimate motivator. There is noone that should tell us that we "can't" accomplish something. If they do we should do whatever it takes to prove all them wrong. Take a couple of minutes and read the article that we have posted in a link below. Remember while reading this inspirational story that we can do anything if we want it bad enough.