There are many diet fads that come up every year. They all say that they will cure the obesity epidemic. Unfortunately, many of these "diets" are extreme and can cause more harm then good. Health is such an emotional topic that people are willing to go to extremes to obtain their goals. You have to be safe and realize that the overall goal is a lifestyle change. If you are looking for a quick fix that will take care of your problem in a few months and then you can go back to your original diet, then you are looking at health and fitness incorrectly. A person has to be committed to the change.
Not only do most of the fad diets not work, but some can be extremely dangerous. You have to be careful with what you put your body through. Doing research on the diets and how they may effect the overall body is essential. Below is just one example of a very scary diet that has brought on some attention over the last couple of weeks.
Lastly, it is important to use an expert in your discussion on nutrition. People don't go to any random person when they need to fix their car. They go to a mechanic because a mechanic understands how a car works. An expert can help set you on a nutritional program that is perfect for you as an individual and that you can maintain for a lifetime.