Fitness Together Lake Forest
1 Client. 1 Trainer. 1 Goal.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Take Fitness to the Next Level

Understanding your workout is important for optimal performance. You should understand the muscle groups that you are trying to emphasize during an exercise and the amount of break time in between sets. Many clients come in and do the workouts that they are given but if they ask questions and have an understanding of what the trainer is trying to accomplish it can help your workout go to the next level.

The trainer has a method to their madness and takes each client through a progression to help the client achieve their goals. For a 4 to 6 week period it may be important for the client to go through a strength building stage and then progress in to a power or aerobic phase. The client and trainer relationship is extremely important and you as the client have to be vocal on the goals that you would like to achieve.

Imagine going to school and not understanding the reasoning behind the subject that you are studying. You feel unrewarded and feel like you are wasting your time, but if you dive deep into the subject and understand why the person is teaching you the way that they are then you get much more value out of that class. It helps you to remember the subject and continue to dive deeper. Fitness is the same and it has a lot that it can offer to each and every person. Just take time to understand what your trainer is teaching.

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Athletic Edge

Most clients have general goals of looking great and getting fit. For some people lifting weights is a new concept and it takes a little while to get a base line down before setting goals. There are some clients such as athletes that have very specific goals. Being an athlete it is very important that you focus on goals for your specific sport. Different sports use different muscles groups and energy systems. Training a sprinter should be much different then training a long distance runner. There are similar sports such as softball and baseball but each of the sports requires different skills and abilities. It is important that the athlete focuses on the individual sport and what is the important muscle groups being used. This will give the athlete the best chance of being successful in their sport.

A good trainer also needs to focus on the goals of the individual athlete. There may be a power hitter that needs to work on explosion or speed. There may be a golfer that has a great short game but needs to work on rotational strength to drive the ball further. The needs of the individual is important no matter the client but an athlete that is trying to improve for his or her sport it is essential to focus on their needs.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Don't Let a Vacation Limit Your Fitness Progression

Working with a lot of clients that travel can be a challenge when it comes to a workout program. Personal trainers can push you through a workout when you are next to them but when you head on the road for vacation or work we are not by your side. It is important to get your workouts in and push yourself even when you are not in the studio. Atrophy will set in and your workouts when you come back will be harder. Even if you just have to do pushups and sit ups in the middle of your hotel floor it will go a long way in keeping you fit.
Many times we also have clients approach us and ask us to write them a program for when they are gone. We are more than willing to write something when a person will put in the work when they are gone. The clients that do this typically see less of a loss in their fitness level when they return from their trip, and can actually continue their progress.

There are also tools that you can bring with you that don’t have to be hundreds of pounds in weight. A resistance tube or band can at least help you to maintain while you are gone. It is also helpful for clients to map out a running course before leaving. If you write down your program, miles you have to run and have a map before you leave you will be much more likely to get the workouts in. It is about holding yourself accountable, and if it is written down then it is a goal that you have to accomplish.

Another thing that helps clients is scheduling things that are active on your vacation. Many people love to be on a beach, but trade in one day on the beach for a hike or canoe trip. If you are active on your trip, then you get to see places and get a great workout. Think of how rewarding it would be to climb to a peak of a mountain or finish a white water rafting course. Active vacations are possible it just takes changing your mindset.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Live that Active Lifestyle

Try something new this summer. Leading an active lifestyle will cause you to become more fit. If you like a challenge, then find a new sport or activity that you can take up for the summer. Hit the golf course, play tennis, volleyball or join a softball league. Activities likes these will not only be fun but they will burn calories and get you out of the house. These activities will also introduce you to other active people that will support your new fit lifestyle.
One of the hardest things as trainers is to get clients to change their lifestyle. People have routines that they are comfortable with, but they can be unhealthy routines. Sitting in front of a computer or watching TV at night can be relaxing, but it doesn’t help with the healthy lifestyle. At Fitness Together we challenge you to get up off of that couch and take a walk with you family or go for a kayak ride. Being active is a lifestyle that everyone can adopt, you just need to find something to spark your interest.