Understanding your workout is important for optimal performance. You should understand the muscle groups that you are trying to emphasize during an exercise and the amount of break time in between sets. Many clients come in and do the workouts that they are given but if they ask questions and have an understanding of what the trainer is trying to accomplish it can help your workout go to the next level.
The trainer has a method to their madness and takes each client through a progression to help the client achieve their goals. For a 4 to 6 week period it may be important for the client to go through a strength building stage and then progress in to a power or aerobic phase. The client and trainer relationship is extremely important and you as the client have to be vocal on the goals that you would like to achieve.
Imagine going to school and not understanding the reasoning behind the subject that you are studying. You feel unrewarded and feel like you are wasting your time, but if you dive deep into the subject and understand why the person is teaching you the way that they are then you get much more value out of that class. It helps you to remember the subject and continue to dive deeper. Fitness is the same and it has a lot that it can offer to each and every person. Just take time to understand what your trainer is teaching.